The unofficial larb eatery

From Ghetto to Gourmet, from Pabst to Perignon, EatFiend is where you will find pictures of food, skateboarding, the ways of the Almighty Larb and drunken ramblings about pictures of food.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Mandatory Bloggery- Fuck This Video Premiere

Fuck This Video Too, premiere!
Nice to see a fresh new perspective on how gnarly things are getting in the S.D. skateboarding world.
Here are some pice while I swayed back and forth during the vid. If shits too blurry for ya, then I suggest you go fuck yourself!
 A lot of heavies in this one! SK858's finest!
 He grinded this behemoth. So did John Ponts in the 1984 video. I was psyched to see old spots getting shredded. I thought this rail was capped. Thank you Skateboard Liberation Army!
 Heart eyes for sexy ass Chris Larue. 
The switches are for the bitches!
 Many rad spots were shredded in this vid.
 The bub, Chase Cruze with a lay-back front board. This got me hyped!
 Then, shit got real buttery... 'Nuff said.
 Then my mind was blown by Mr. Tosh Rice. Not only is he a curbkilla... He's a rail crusher!
 VinnDogg. Making it look the way it supposed to, FUN!
 Pick me a winner.
 The bub holds it down!
 Can't wait to see what he produces in S.F.
 The UndergroudMoleMan!
 Heavy toke.
 The mutha' fuckin' magic man....

 Executive Video Producer: Teeha!
 Bk's part was heavier than stone.

 Heavy hammer down some heavy ass rail. 
Way to go Truman!
 The man! Such a hard working skater with a humble ass attitude. Oh, did I mention he chomps, too?
 Flipping the fuck out.
 I remember meeting Q wen he was a young buck in the early 2000's.
 Well guess what? Now he's a big ass man with big ass nutz and he can grind big ass rails!
 From one end to the other. Coast to coast.
 Thank you!
 Fuck This Video Too!
Job well done fellas!
 Then I got to hang with the bub Issac. This made my night! Nicest kid ever!
 Had to get a few copies of the vid to share the stoke!
 Oh, I forgot Piech joined us on our excursion. He pretty much told every skateboarder he met that he was gay 'cuz he used to rollerblade.
 Chase, Larue and Vinny! It was an awesome night with great friend. I can;t wait for F.T.V.3!!!
 On to the liquor store....
 Late night Mexican food afterwards.
What the hell else did ya expect?


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