The unofficial larb eatery

From Ghetto to Gourmet, from Pabst to Perignon, EatFiend is where you will find pictures of food, skateboarding, the ways of the Almighty Larb and drunken ramblings about pictures of food.

Monday, October 2, 2017

Mandatory Bloggery- Shredding PB with the Bubs!

With the bub Gautam in town we were on a mission for some good times!
Then again,  it's hard to not have a good time with the bubs!
First stop of the day was to get some grip, so we went to Pacific Drive skate shop to warm up. The bub Larue was more than happy to spray on a fresh coat of lacquer!
And the shredding began!
Curb Killa!
Gotta love that skate shop life.
Back nosegrind was so sick!
Left to right: Young, old and older!
Ollie off the curb cut to thread the needle between the car and telephone pole.
Hunchback! Unfortunately I didn't get a good ollie photo.
Moving on to the next spot we spotted this gem behind the Ralph's across the street!
We were hyped!
The bub Gautam was hyped to have a "hubba" to 5-0! He did this a bunch!
Entering back into the Earth's orbit.
Hans was on a good one too! 50-50
This shit has got pop!
Through the kink.
Bummed I cut his hand off.
Different angles. Gotta get a butt-shot.
Surfs up!
Climbing stuff.
I wanna go back!
50-50 180 out.
All day every day!
Gautam is never one to pass up a good curb-cut.
I like the palm trees.
He was hyped to be at the next spot in Old Town.
Just like old times.
Shredding ensued as per usual.
Coast to coast nose manual.
One bub backs up the other. Monkey see, monkey do.....


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